Breaking New Ground With HDPE Pipe

Talking to Mike Leathers, CEO of Pipeline Plastics, (PLP), on the occasion of their tenth anniversary, it’s clear that the organization has come a long way in its decade of existence. Mike became CEO this summer after three years with the company and is an enthusiastic champion of both the product offering and the role that PLP plays in the industry. In short, he says: “We are providing a product that can make a difference.”

Read the full article here.

Pipeline Plastics Expanding Product Line

Big News!  Pipeline Plastics is excited to announce we are expanding our current utility customers and supply of Yellow MDPE PE2708 pipe for natural gas distribution (NGD) to complement our existing HDPE NGD offering.

We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified national pipe manufacturer and have been working with multiple major utilities on approvals and supply agreements.  We are now ready to open the approval process and supply opportunities to additional utilities.

While we plan to accelerate additional approvals and increase capacity, we will not sacrifice our historic quality standards as we look to be a long-term national player in the NGD pipe market.

If you want your NGD pipe from an ISO 9001 certified, major utility approved, highest quality, most modern equipment manufacturer, and some of the best pipe makers in the industry, we are currently adding to our existing backlog for June production.  Please reach out to Stephen Boros, VP Engineering, ( or Chris Pharr, VP Sales ( to initiate an approval process or with additional questions.